Welcome to Widow Pep Talks

Episode 2: Welcome to Widow Pep Talks

October 07, 20244 min read

Time doesn't heal anything; its how we deal with that time that determines the speed at which we heal!” - Anonymous


Hey there, my beautiful widow sister! It's Rebecca Ann, and I'm beyond excited to share this new chapter with you. This week, I want to talk about why I started Widow Pep Talks and why I decided to make it public. If you're wondering what inspired me to share these pep talks with the world, you're in the right place. Let's dive in!

Episode 2: Welcome to Widow Pep Talks


Why I Started Widow Pep Talks

When I first had the idea for this podcast, I envisioned it as a members only space. It was going to be this little private corner where I could offer support to a select group of widows who were on the same journey as me. I imagined it being a place to share thoughts, strategies, and encouragement with those who signed up for my community.

But as I began talking to friends and family about it, they started suggesting "why not make it public?". At first, I hesitated - putting something like this out there felt personal and vulnerable. But after sitting with the idea, it began to feel more like the right thing to do.

Widows Need Each Other

One thing I've learned since becoming a widow is that we need each other. We need a sisterhood, a community of women who truly understand what we're going through. Losing a spouse shakes everything - your identity, your future, your sense of self. It's a heavy load, and while people may want to help, it can feel isolating if they don't fully get it.

That's why I decided to make Widow Pep Talks public. I want to reach as many widow sisters as possible. To let you know that you're not alone. We're all on this rollercoaster together, and sometimes, all we need is a quick, uplifting message to remind us that we're doing better than we think. We don't have to have it all figured out right now. It's about small wins, little steps forward.

What to Expect from Widow Pep Talks

So, what can you expect from this podcast? Short, snappy 3-5 minute episodes that give you exactly what you need to keep going on the tough days. Whether it's a pep talk to boost your confidence, practical tips on navigating widowhood, or simply a reminder that you're stronger than you realize, these episodes are designed to offer quick wins and burst of hope.

I've been where you are - lost, confused, and wondering how I would rebuild my life after loss. Trust me, there have been many days when getting out of bed felt like the biggest challenge. But I want to be that friendly voice that says "You've got this!" Because you do. Even when it feels like everything is crumbling, you're still here, still moving forward - and that's something to celebrate.

Today's Quick Win: Give Yourself Grace

As I wrap up this blog post, I want to leave you with a little takeaway. For today, you quick win is simple: give yourself some grace. Acknowledge how far you've come, even if it doesn't feel like much. Just making it through the day is a win. Be gentle with yourself - you're doing better than you think.

Stay Connected

Before you go, make sure to follow me on Instagram for more updates, pep talks, and encouragement. And if you're looking for something empowering, check out my Widow Warrior Wear - gear designed just for us, the widows who keep going no matter what life throws at us.

I'm so excited for this journey we're on together. Stay tuned for the next pep talk, and remember: you are not alone. You've got this!

Resources I Know You'll Love

Resource #1 | Redesign Your Life Membership Program - a transformative, supportive community designed specifically for women navigating life after loss. This is a private podcast, a space for growth, healing and transformation. You receive exclusive audio workshops and special episodes where we dive deeper into the 10 pillars of widowhood, including emotional wellbeing, financial stability, rediscovering identity, and more. Each workshop (6-7 episodes) is paced with actionable tools, compassionate guidance, and strategies to help you release what no longer serves you and redesign your life with hope and purpose.

Resource #2 | Widow Warrior Wear - Widow wear designed just for widows in this season of life. Our shop celebrates the strength and humor of widows with sassy slogans and empowering designs. Laugh, love, and wear your warrior spirit proudly as you journey through grief and re-design your life!

Resource #3 |Widow Wellness Kit- My Widow Wellness Kit is filled with handpicked products I've personally tried and tested as a widow navigating grief and healing. Each item has been chosen to help release stress, promote relaxation, and create moments of calm, offering practical tools I've found invaluable on my own journey - and now I'm sharing them with you.

I help resilient widowed women seeking community, find opportunities to create meaningful connections, and redesign a life they love!

Rebecca Ann

I help resilient widowed women seeking community, find opportunities to create meaningful connections, and redesign a life they love!

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